Shake Hands With Samhain


A wonderfully nourishing reading for releasing, receiving and rebirth..

This reading celebrates Samhain, the old Gaelic festival which marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of Winter, and is now popularly thought of as the witches' New Year. After being adopted by Christianity as All Hallows and then developing into Halloween, much of the original, profound meaning of the festival is left un-examined at this time of year. This reading taps into Samhain's key themes and energies, going right to the heart of the festival. It was -and still is- a time to mark the turning year and reflect on the meaning of being immersed in darkness, literally and figuratively. It was also thought to be the time when the veil between the world of the living and the world of spirits was at its thinnest. The very last of the three harvest festivals before plummeting towards Yule (the shortest day), Samhain holds a weighty energy which asks you to sit up and take notice! Meet Samhain and get to know its awesomely empowering darkness with this holistic spread design.

This Reading is 60 Minutes in Length and takes place over Zoom.


Here are the spread positions for the Shake Hands With Samhain Reading:

1. Roots, foundations, core truths and stability

2. Saying goodbye to what is lost: moving on, closure, sorrow and acceptance

3. The darker aspects of the self: flaws, mistakes and making peace with the shadow

4. Fears, anxieties and the obstructive thoughts that hold you back

5. Choosing your priorities and defining your goals

6. Greeting new energies and preparing to embrace the future

7. Deep spirituality: What you can experience and how to invite it in


This purchase would be great for you if:

- You're a witch who has a close relationship with Samhain

- You'd like to approach lots of Samhain's themes at once in one reading

- Fulfilling your spiritual potential is important to you

- You're feeling held back by old stuff; you'd like to be able to release it and move on

- You're looking for tools to support an empowering, immersive Samhain experience

- You're new to Samhain and you'd like a profound introduction to its power!

Please ensure that you read through the Policies and Ethics page before making a purchase.

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A wonderfully nourishing reading for releasing, receiving and rebirth..

This reading celebrates Samhain, the old Gaelic festival which marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of Winter, and is now popularly thought of as the witches' New Year. After being adopted by Christianity as All Hallows and then developing into Halloween, much of the original, profound meaning of the festival is left un-examined at this time of year. This reading taps into Samhain's key themes and energies, going right to the heart of the festival. It was -and still is- a time to mark the turning year and reflect on the meaning of being immersed in darkness, literally and figuratively. It was also thought to be the time when the veil between the world of the living and the world of spirits was at its thinnest. The very last of the three harvest festivals before plummeting towards Yule (the shortest day), Samhain holds a weighty energy which asks you to sit up and take notice! Meet Samhain and get to know its awesomely empowering darkness with this holistic spread design.

This Reading is 60 Minutes in Length and takes place over Zoom.


Here are the spread positions for the Shake Hands With Samhain Reading:

1. Roots, foundations, core truths and stability

2. Saying goodbye to what is lost: moving on, closure, sorrow and acceptance

3. The darker aspects of the self: flaws, mistakes and making peace with the shadow

4. Fears, anxieties and the obstructive thoughts that hold you back

5. Choosing your priorities and defining your goals

6. Greeting new energies and preparing to embrace the future

7. Deep spirituality: What you can experience and how to invite it in


This purchase would be great for you if:

- You're a witch who has a close relationship with Samhain

- You'd like to approach lots of Samhain's themes at once in one reading

- Fulfilling your spiritual potential is important to you

- You're feeling held back by old stuff; you'd like to be able to release it and move on

- You're looking for tools to support an empowering, immersive Samhain experience

- You're new to Samhain and you'd like a profound introduction to its power!

Please ensure that you read through the Policies and Ethics page before making a purchase.

A wonderfully nourishing reading for releasing, receiving and rebirth..

This reading celebrates Samhain, the old Gaelic festival which marks the end of the harvest and the beginning of Winter, and is now popularly thought of as the witches' New Year. After being adopted by Christianity as All Hallows and then developing into Halloween, much of the original, profound meaning of the festival is left un-examined at this time of year. This reading taps into Samhain's key themes and energies, going right to the heart of the festival. It was -and still is- a time to mark the turning year and reflect on the meaning of being immersed in darkness, literally and figuratively. It was also thought to be the time when the veil between the world of the living and the world of spirits was at its thinnest. The very last of the three harvest festivals before plummeting towards Yule (the shortest day), Samhain holds a weighty energy which asks you to sit up and take notice! Meet Samhain and get to know its awesomely empowering darkness with this holistic spread design.

This Reading is 60 Minutes in Length and takes place over Zoom.


Here are the spread positions for the Shake Hands With Samhain Reading:

1. Roots, foundations, core truths and stability

2. Saying goodbye to what is lost: moving on, closure, sorrow and acceptance

3. The darker aspects of the self: flaws, mistakes and making peace with the shadow

4. Fears, anxieties and the obstructive thoughts that hold you back

5. Choosing your priorities and defining your goals

6. Greeting new energies and preparing to embrace the future

7. Deep spirituality: What you can experience and how to invite it in


This purchase would be great for you if:

- You're a witch who has a close relationship with Samhain

- You'd like to approach lots of Samhain's themes at once in one reading

- Fulfilling your spiritual potential is important to you

- You're feeling held back by old stuff; you'd like to be able to release it and move on

- You're looking for tools to support an empowering, immersive Samhain experience

- You're new to Samhain and you'd like a profound introduction to its power!

Please ensure that you read through the Policies and Ethics page before making a purchase.

All sessions take place over skype